Saturday, August 6, 2011

Dusty Volumes Reading Challenge

My reading style usually dictates I skip genres from book to book.  It is always my intension to mix in some classic reads throughout the year.  So far this year I have only read Little Woman (which I blogged about here) and A Tale of Two Cities (which I did not blog about because no one wants to hear about a classic I didn't particularly enjoy).

When I heard about Midnyte Reader's Dusty Volumes Challenge, I thought it would probably be a great challenge for me.  I'll be the first to admit I suck at reading challenges, but looking at my current to be read list, I don't see any classic reading in my near future unless I challenge myself to do so.

Since it is already August and I've only read two so far this year, I'm going to challenge myself to read three more by the end of the year.

My choices for the challenge:

I Capture the Castle Frankenstein A Stir of Echoes
I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith because it has been sitting right here on my shelf for 8 years.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley because somehow I have never read it. 
A Stir of Echoes by Richard Matheson.  I've had this one longer than I Capture the Castle.


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  1. I'd recommend against Frankenstein, I didn't particularly enjoy it. While long, I really enjoyed Crime and Punishment (seriously could not put it down) as well as Pride and Prejudice, The Beautiful and the Damned (also amazing), and Treasure Island. If you're really looking for something along the horror genre, go for Bram Stoker's Dracula, every time ;)

    YA: Cheat, Liar, Coward, Thief, Thug
    Adult: Shackled

  2. Thanks for the recommendations J! I love Dracula. I'll probably re-read it in October just because it's a great read. One reason I want to read Frankenstein is because I haven't yet. I may not enjoy it, but it looms there waiting to be read!

  3. Great choices!  I have my fingers crossed for I Capture the Castle...


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