Thursday, March 8, 2012

Book Review | Swan Song by Robert McCammon

Swan Song is an epic post-apocalyptic novel by Robert McCammon.

Book Description

In a wasteland born of rage and fear, populated by monstrous creatures and marauding armies, earth's last survivors have been drawn into the final battle between good and evil, that will decide the fate of humanity: Sister, who discovers a strange and transformative glass artifact in the destroyed Manhattan streets; Joshua Hutchins, the pro wrestler who takes refuge from the nuclear fallout at a Nebraska gas station; and Swan, a young girl possessing special powers, who travels alongside Josh to a Missouri town where healing and recovery can begin with Swan's gifts. But the ancient force behind earth's devastation is scouring the walking wounded for recruits for its relentless army, beginning with Swan herself.

Here's the bottom line: Swan Song is one of my favorite books of all time. It's one of the books I was most looking forward to rereading during my The Great McCammon Read. It stills impacts me every bit as much as the first time I read it.

Swan Song is very dark, and it's scary, but it's also one of the most beautiful and hopeful books I have ever read.

Weighing in at 956 pages, it's a huge story in every sense of the word. There are characters you will hate and fear as well as characters you will fall in love with and care about long after you've finished reading. There is magic, evil, goodness, hope, ruin, and beauty throughout the pages of Swan Song.

If you are a fan of post-apocalyptic fiction, Swan Song is an absolute must read. I give it my highest recommendation.

10/10: Awesome


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  1. Agreed - this was an awesome read. I got into a serious post-apocalyptic fantasy groove after first reading Stephen King's The Stand, and this was one of the early standouts that I would gladly give a second read.

  2. 1000 pages!? WOWZERS! Fav. of all time though that def. makes me curious!! :)

  3. I of the best books ever!! Have read and re-read it several times and each time I am captivated!!

  4. I Love This Book!!!! Hoping this year will be the year that this book comes back to me as someone borrowed forever my first copy. Praying it's in hardback though! It has been 20 years since I have lost & read it! If you like Stephen Kings ~ The Stand; you will absolutely love this book

  5. My mom bought it in softcover when it first came out years ago. Between the two of us we've probably read it 20 times. The book is falling apart now, so thankfully I've got it on Kindle-and it was the first book I ever bought for it. I'd never be able to choose a favorite between Swan Song and The Stand-I'd take them both and go curl up on the couch.

  6. This book is w/o a doubt THE best book of all time. I've read it 3 times and each time is better than before. The characters are so real, and so multi-dimentional that you can't help but FEEL them. The book just comes to life. I get totally lost and absorbed in the pages. Don't be discouraged by it's size or the number of pages. Once you start reading, it won't matter. Now....where'd I put that book?

  7. Love, love, love, love, love!!! Def one of my favourite books ever.

  8. Robert M. Blows away Stephen King, Dean Koontz, etc. THE BEST!!

  9. This book had a huge impact on me as a child of 13 reading it for the first time. So looking forward to re-reading it. The Wolf's Hour came a close 2nd but this was the best book I've ever read

  10. Wow! I'm not a huge post-apocalyptic fan. And this is a huge book. But Swan Song must be amazing if it has made this kind of impact on you. I will definitely keep it in mind. Great review!

  11. I'm going to make a note of this because you loved it so much but the page total will probably stop me from reading it until Gage goes to school ;)

  12. I had never heard of this before I saw your review but it sounds SO GOOD. I love this review as well- it really made me want to go straight out and buy the book! I like dark and scary x

  13. This books sounds awesome but the page count is quite intimidating.

  14. I agree so 100% with you. I first read this book around 1990 or so and have reread it many times. I have always been picky about loaning out my books, but somehow every time I have loaned out a copy of this book, I end up having to find a new copy, I HAVE to have it around, as I never know when I will want to read it again,ABSOLUTELY my FAVORITE book EVER!! anyone who reads it would have to agree!!

  15. Can you tell us more about this? I'd want to find out some additional information.

  16. I read this book 20+ years ago, and it still remains in my mind as an incredible tale...I still remember how it moved me, though I hardly recall many details. I think it's time for reread! :)

  17. AGREE 100%! I absolutely loved this. Every freaking word. And there are many of them. I need to re-read but I think I'm going to venture out into the other McCammon's first. :D

  18. I have this audiobook, and I am scared of BIG books so I keep putting it off!!! It sounds like I would love it.


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