Monday, February 18, 2013

Currently Reading | The Spindlers by Lauren Oliver

My Currently Reading posts are shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It was a very busy week last week especially around Valentine's Day so I'm still working on the tome that is A Game of Thrones. It started out as a pretty fast read, but it has slowed down for me. I wonder if that happened because I got past the part I've seen of the show? I'm still enjoying it, though!

I also picked up Lauren Oliver's The Spindlers. I love it so far. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, but I like Liza more than I like Alice.

What are you reading this week? I hope it's a new favorite for you!


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  1. I plan on getting to the Game of Thrones books one of these days. ;) I hope you have a fantastic week!

    1. They are a commitment. :) I hope you have a great week, too!

  2. I'm re-reading READY PLAYER ONE (it's so awesome, especially if you grew up in the 80's). SPINDLERS looks interesting. I'll have to investigate!

    1. I loved Ready Player One! That's a great book to reread. I bet you pick up on stuff you missed the first time around. :D

  3. I thought the same thing about The Spindlers! It was a fun read. As for Game of Thrones, I've read all the books so far, some of the books have been faster than others, it depends on how much I like main characters featured in the chapters- Dany's narrative was good in the first book, but has been more on the slow side for me since then. But the series is totally worth it!

    1. That's great to hear, Kate. I'm sure I will stick with the series.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've been wanting to read The Spindlers for awhile now. I can't wait to read your review!

  6. I like the idea of a book like Alice in Wonderland. I will have to look into The Spindlers.

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. It was very much like Alice in Wonderland. I loved it.

  7. I didn't even know about The Spindlers. I am not a huge Alice fan. I didn't even like the Disney version that much, but the spin-offs intrigue me all the same. I keep thinking of picking up the Game of Throne books, but always have too much on my plate to read. I will get to it one day!

    1. I like all of the imaginative qualities of Alice in Wonderland. The Spindlers was better, though. I understand; Game of Thrones is huge!

  8. I read an excerpt from The Spindlers - looks good! :)


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