Monday, March 11, 2013

Currently Reading | Requiem by Lauren Oliver

My Currently Reading posts are shared as part of Book Journey's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? and Teach Mentor Text's It's Monday! What Are You Reading? From Picture Books to YA

I thought my main read this week was going to be The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (which I did get a copy of by the way!), but I got completely sucked into Requiem. Thank you negative reviewers for lowering my expectations to the point where Requiem is now exceeding my expectations. It is quite a lovely read so far.

I will say, though, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland is an awesome read so far. I'm going to do the slow savor on that one. I want to hang on to every word.

I finished the third Jack Reacher book (Tripwire) last week. I enjoyed it a lot so I'm back on a good reading streak! I'm also reading and loving Jillian Michael's Slim for Life if anyone enjoys reading health related books.

What are you reading this week? I'm curious as to whether you guys like to read non-fiction reviews. Do you prefer to only see fiction reviews?


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  1. Jennifer,

    I like fiction and nonfiction reviews. I try to read both every week. I haven't heard of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland so I look forward to checking that out. I would read Jillian Michael's book, but right now her DVDs are staring at me everyday telling me I should exercise. I can only imagine what the book would do. :)

  2. I don't think I've ever read a health book (ha ha, maybe I should!?) ;) Have a great week of reading!!

  3. Isn't it nice when you love a book that you didn't expect to love? Have a good time finishing it! I read just one Jack Reacher book, which I enjoyed a lot.

    1. It is so nice when that happens. I'm enjoying the Reacher series. I'm glad there are so many of them.

  4. I don't read many reviews, but I'm more inclined to read non-fiction reviews because I don't read a lot of non-fiction, so it's interesting to see what's out there. I'm also excited to read Requiem, if just to see how it all ends - Pandemonium had quite the cliffhanger.

    Tanya Patrice

    1. It's funny that you mention how it ends... :/ I did like the ending of Pandemonium. Requiem... not so much.

  5. I have not yet read the Delirium trilogy but I'm hearing so many good things about it that I'm going to have to pick it up eventually :) Happy reading!

  6. Requiem makes me so nervous! I haven't read the reviews specifically but the ratings are all over the place. Some of the general comments I've heard have lowered my expectations a bit like you, but I'm still pretty excited so I'm going to wait a bit before reading it.

    1. Well, I feel like it has to be read. But yeah... the reviews... I can see why they are all over the place.

  7. Oh no! Is Requiem getting bad reviews? I haven't read any yet. I hope you love it. I can't wait to read it.

    1. In my opinion, it deserves the reviews it is getting. :'( But you still need to read it.

  8. I guess Requiem is a love it or hate it kinda book? I have seen it on many people's lists this week but I am glad it is exceeding your expectations, that must be a pleasant surprise! You still have me very curious about the girl who circumnavigated fairyland. Hope you enjoy your week!


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