Thursday, March 21, 2013

Giveaway | Gossamer by Lee Thompson


If you don't know this by now, I'm a huge fan of Lee Thompson. He's a master at all of that dark, imaginative stuff I rave about around here. I'll post a list of review links at the bottom of this post in case you need to witness an obscene amount of fangirling.

But for today - I have an awesome giveaway.

Gossamer: A Story of Love and Tragedy was released this week, and Lee has offered to give away an ecopy to FIVE of you. Be sure to enter the rafflecopter below!

Gossamer by Lee Thompson
Publication Date: March 19, 2013
Amazon | Smashwords | Goodreads

An ancient witch, Dorothy Good, has lost everything to the vampire who has blown in on the hot desert wind and lain waste to her soul and her town. When a young family arrives at the end of a two week battle, she sees a chance to end the bloodshed and possibly regain a portion of what was stolen.

But they're heavily outnumbered and night is falling...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Reviews of Lee Thompson's Books:
Review: Crooked Stick Figures by Lee Thompson


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  1. Umm holy crap that cover is awesome! I've never heard of this one before but the blurb and the cover definitely have me curious about it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Thank you for hosting the giveaway, Jennifer! You're the best!

  3. LOVE this cover (Daniele Serra is awesome!) and a big fan of Lee's work. Thanks for the contest!

  4. Wow, you certainly are a fan! Another author I have to try. : )

  5. I'm not familiar with Lee's work, but looking forward to it now:) Glad to be your 400th follower:)

  6. Sounds great, I'm in. Also, yes, very evocative cover.

  7. I don't think I've heard of the one either. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. I am interested to read this book! Thanks for providing the giveaway!

  9. Thanks for the giveaway (couldn't enter in it above)! Lee is awesome, and I would just LOVE to win a copy!;)


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