Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Review: The Mill by Mark West

The Mill is a ghost story novelette from Mark West.

Book Description
Michael struggles to come to terms with the death of his wife. He has visions of her calling to him, inviting him to the beyond.

At the Bereaved Partners’ Group, he learns that he is not the only one left behind who can hear the departed beckon them… to the Mill.

I've been fortunate to read a few books this year that have moved me emotionally. A Monster Calls, The Five, Apartment Seven, and now Mark West's The Mill.

West's writing had me turning the pages, but I also had to take breaks for fear my heart would shatter.

If you are a fan of shorter fiction (this would equal about 64 pages) and you love stories you can connect with emotionally, you will certainly enjoy The Mill. It was a powerful read.

7/10: Recommended Read

Review copy provided by publisher


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  1. What does the "Ghjbch" at the end of the description mean?!?

    This sounds interesting :)

  2. LOL. It means I had this post window open when I skedjfdsl'ed my keyboard. I knew I did it earlier, but couldn't find where it typed. Now... I know! ;) I also have 7 cats and 2 kids so my posts should look like that all the time. I figure I'm doing pretty good. ;)

  3. I usually do read works this short but I'm definitely intrigued. I love books that I can connect with but I connect with few books emotionally.


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